Friday, 29 August 2008

Stay focus

Many people give up on their diet program after facing hard time to reduce their weight. It's true diet is one of the hardest thing to do. We cannot eat all food that we want, we can't even eat as much as we can to satisfied ourselves.To get what we want in our life (in this situation, we want a good health or to reduce our weight), we have to stay focus doing what we have to do to achieve our goal. Here are 7 tips to keep you focused:

1.) Remember all the hard work you have put in to achieve your weight loss goal.
2.) Do not keep any of your fat clothes - you will never need them again.
3.) Make a list of all the positive change in your life since you loss the weight -i.e more energy to play with the children, shopping is no longer chore, more self-confidence.
4.) If need be, ask other (family, friend, children) what positive changes they have notified in you.
5.) Your new healthy habit benefit your family.
6.) Don't live like a monk. Enjoy yourself but aware of what you are eating and do it in moderation.
7. Exercise isn't just about losing weight, it has a number of all-round health benefits.
8.) Joining group activities like netball or football will keep you motivated and enable you to meet new people.
9.) By having a higher muscle content, your body will burn more calories even at rest. Remember you don't have to join gym -shopping, housework, gardening, dancing and walking are all forms of exercise.

Diet myths debunked

When eating out, a salad is always the best option.

It's easy to believe that all salads are healthy but this is not actually the case. Some salads contain fatty ingredients and could, in some cases, contain more calories than a steak and fries.

High fat ingredients include croutons, crispy bacon, mayonnaise and oily dressings - these don't really add any vitamins and minerals, they all considerably boost the calories, fat and salt content of the dish.

Cheese and nuts contain more nutrients, but they can still add a lot of calories when mixed in a salad.

Organic food is "healthier" than non-organic food.
FALSE! (mostly)

Organic food isn't automatically the healthier option as the term 'organic' refers to the farming methods used to produce the food - not it's nutrient contain. Therefore, organic food might be better for environment but eating more of it doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a lower calorie diet.

Organic biscuits, chocolate and cakes contain on average just as much fat, sugar and salts as their non-organic counterparts - and it's often harder to find the 'healthier' alternatives in organic ranges.

However, products such as organic fruit won't have been sprayed with insecticides and animals raised for organic meat won't in most cases have been fed antibiotics.

Having a traditional cooked breakfast in the morning can be a healthy choice.

This myth is certainly true as long as you have a 'grill-up' and not a 'fry-up'

If you grill lean bacon, peach and eggs and include baked beans, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms (not cooked in oil/fat), this meal can then easily be healthy and balanced.

Maintaining your new healthy weight.

Achieving your weight goal is, for many, like winning the battle but not necessarily the war.

Remember, it is important to maintain your new slimmer, healthier body for the long run.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

what will you do

Today post is nothing to talk about health.. I just curious and want to know about something.. Here is the question..

"You were given an amount of money where you need to finish it in two day. If you cannot finish it in two day, you'll need to pay double the money back. You are surprise that the amount of the money is USD 1 Billion, what will you do with the money to finish that money in two day?"

Here is the rules:

-You cannot donate the money.
-The cannot own any material thing that you buy with that money.
-You cannot burn it or throw it in the dustbin , you must use it.


Friday, 15 August 2008

Fast fact

Women under stress eat twice as much fatty food as those who aren't. Stressed men's snacking stays constant.

Double your crunch

Strong abdominal muscles help support your body's core or trunk, from which all movement originates. So, if you're strong there, you'll able to transfer this potential to both your upper (shoulder and arms) and lower (hips and legs) extremities. Most importantly, if you have strong abdominals, you'll reduce your risk of back injuries, most of which occur everyday activities. Think of the abdominal muscles as the glue that holds your upper and lower body together.

The double crunch -so-called because you're lifting your upper body at the same time as you hold your hips in an unsupported position - is an exercise you can do to gain and maintain a firm and powerful core. Here's how

1. Lie on your back with your knee and feet flat on the floor. Tilt your pelvis until lower back is close to the floor, lift one foot at a time until both knees are bent at 90 degree and positioned directly above your hips. You should feel your abs holding your hips stable in this position.

2. Lift your head and shoulders and bring your rib cage towards your hips. Visualize pulling your navel in towards your spine as you exhale.

3. Breath in as you lower your head and shoulders and release the abdominals below the navel. Perform one set of ten to 15 repetition slowly, emphasising the correct breath in pattern. Let your breathing set the pace. You can do work on your abs daily because they make up a fairly large muscle group and are a tough area to train

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Sneaky sign of diabetes

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be tricky, which helps explain why millions of people have the disease but don't know it. You may know the classic symptoms of fatigue, recurrent infection and frequent urination. Lesser known signs:

Bad breath
(A smell like nail polish remover). Excess sugar in saliva prompts bacteria growth, which help create foul-smelling gases.

Swollen gums
Increased bacteria can lead to inflammation and bleeding.

Blurred vision
Sugar in the lens of the eye makes it swell and refract light improperly.

Frequent thirst
In an effort to eliminate sugar, the body demands plenty of fluids.

If you have two or more symptoms, and any other risk factors (being over age 40 or overweight; having a family history of diabetest; having high blood pressure or cholesterol), see your doctor.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Think quick: Smile more

"Racing thoughts" are commonly considered a symptom of bipolar disorder or maniac depression but study at Priceton University in New Jersey has found that when healthy people are made to think more quickly, they feel happier.

Researchers asked a group of people to read a statement twice as fast as they normally would from a computer screen. (They manipulated the speed of the words scrolled into view.) They then asked another group to read the same information but twice as slowly as they normally would. The participant then completed a questionnaire, assessing their mood, energy level and self-esteem.

It was discovered that when reading at a faster pace, people were made to think more quickly and felt happier as a result. In fact, they also felt more energetic, creative and powerful.

When to get serious about snoring

Even if it sounds like a car with engine trouble, most snoring noise don't indicate health problems, say Professor Robin Blair from Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery at Dundee University in the UK. "Lying on your side to open airways more, exercising to tighten muscles and avoiding alcohol may help reduce the amount of snoring you do. "However, if you're snoring and gasping for breath, your airways could be blocked for longer than normal (it is common to stop breathing for a second or two) and you could be suffering from obstructive sleep apponea. If so, ask your doctor to refer you to a specialist who will monitor your sleep to see if you breathing is being restricted.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Human Body

In this post, i was focusing on the nutritional benefit of on parts of our body.

Brain: Carrot, broccoli, fish and vegetables high in antioxidants.
Eyes: A variety of food rich in vitamins C, E and luitein (kale, collard greens, citrus fruits, rockmelon)
Lung: Food high in beta carotene (mangoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, red peppers)
Heart: Fruit, vegetables, grains, fat free and low-fat foods, fish, lean meat, legumes.
Bones:Dairy product, dark green leafty vegetables, almonds, sesame or sunflower seeds.
Skin: Again, those beta-carotene-rich foods.
Colon: High-fiber foods (oats, fruits, vegetables)

Can pregnant mum fly?

Mums-to-be know to stay grounded. After all cosmic radiation from the sun can harm fetus right? Not necessarily. A new report reveals that the amounts of radiation is so small, the risk is negligible for most women.

Guidelines state that exposure to 1 milisievert (mSv) of radiation a year is save (in addition to the 3 mSv we get yearly from background sources). On a 12-hour return flight from Singapore to Tokyo, passengers get just 0.06 mSv.

Women may want to postpone flight in the rare case of a solar flare- a student burst that occurs every few years and may last several days. At their peak, they can expose a traveler to more than 30 times the amount of radiation she'd get in a single flight. If you're worried about a solar flare, you airline may know if one is occurring.

Frequent flier, of course may be at higher risk. For casual travelers, while there may be other health reasons your doctor doesn't want you to fly (hypertension, for example), don't let cosmic radiation make you miss a trip.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Burn fat by eating chocolate

Chocolate-loving (and eating) men are in better health than those who don't like it, say researchers at Imperial College London and Nestle. Over five days, a group of healthy young men (half liked chocolate, half didn't) ate the same food, plus a choice bread or chocolate. Blood and urine showed the chocolate lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol. So, indulging on occasion may have long-term health benefits- but researchers say, only when paired with otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle.

Healthier ways to BBQ

I always have BBQ with my family and my friend. It is one way having a good time with them. But cooking meat over an open flame or BBQ creates chemicals long suspected of increasing cancer risk. According to two news studies, eating barbecued red meat may raise the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in post-menopausal women. This is some tips to prevent that happen:

Scrape off any charred portion, which contain many of the chemicals believed to lead to cancer.

Keep the temperature lower to lessen the smoke and flames that reach the food and raise the barbecue racks.

Flip with top or spatula- a fork pierces food, releasing juice and fat that lead to flare-ups.

Choose skinless chicken and fish. They don't appear to raise cancer risk.

Microwave meat before barbecuing to reduce time over the charcoal and use an oil-free marinade to hinder the formation of cancer-causing chemicals

Make kebabs with fruits and vegetables, which don't form harmful chemicals when flame-cooked.

DASH Eating Plan

Refer to my hypertension post, I get some email from the reader that question me about the dash eating diet.DASH diet to treat the hypertension problem. But what is DASH diet? DASH stand for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. DASH eating is an effective in decreasing blood pressure as some medications commonly used to treat hypertension. Research has shown that a diet is low in sodium but rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium can decrease pressure, especially among African Americans.The DASH eating plan is based on 2,000 calories a day with 18 percent of the calories coming from protein. 55 percent from carbohydrates, and 27 percent from fats. The eating plan contain less fat than the Food Guide pyramid, more fruits and vegetables, and includes a serving of nuts.